Saturday, 2 August 2014

2014-08-03 Master bedroom sealing up

Walls and trims sealed + wallpaper joints trimmed for skimming

Good keep the troops happy! Mmmm Rogue Hop my new favourite beer

You can't see it but there is 20 years of dog hair in that carpet - nice
Not bad for a days work =) Now where's that beer gone??

2014-08-02 Block cladding EQ repairs

A few fallen courses of block from the earthquakes needed to be repaired

Luckily good sized eaves has kept the wall dry =)

You can't make a cake without breaking a few eggs! Demolition is fun

Damaged blocks down - nailed in cavity ties = no good. 
Out with the old in with the new

Framing in good condition thankfully!

Ahhh good job Colin (our friendly neighbourhood blocklayer from next door and Castletownbere)

Stepped cracks ground out and re-pointed

2014-07-29 Master bedroom here we come!

 Is it really that bad???

Yes, yes it is

All you need is all the right gear

Even the feckin ceiling is red

2014-07-25 Ready for shiny new carpet =)

2014-07-10 Bedroom 2 final coats

Yellowy white for the walls and Spanish white for the ceiling (what the hell is Spanish white? Donno says it on the tin)
Ahhh much brighter
Opps few doors to finish!

2014-07-06 Rob and Simon hang a door!

No more freedom peeing
Success - hanging straight
 Go to have friends with technical know how and tools!
 It all hinges on this!
Small bit of carving - luckily I'm a master craftsman =)

2014-06-15 Ready for sealing skim coats

 Water damaged wall still to be skimmed
 See ya later floral wall paper!
Trims in all